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Vegetable Garden

Herbalism Journey

A lot of changes have happened in the last few years. I have always had a love of plants and nature, when I stepped into holistic nutrition it opened many other doors of interests, that all intertwine. I found my love of herbalism when walking around my neighborhood and being intrigued by all the many plants around me. I started looking into what the plants are and the benefits of each plant and was amazed how connected plants are with our bodies. God put each plant on Earth for a reason, to heal, aid, and assist our alignments. Plants are medicine! Every plant has a purpose, a benefit to our body. I am still learning all about herbalism and how I can better myself and those around me through herbalism. I am forever a student, learning and growing. I don't really know what it looks like for this page and if it will even be connected the BBW, but I am open to God's plan and letting Him lead me. For now I will have this section dedicated to "Ashley's Apothecary" sharing about my favorite plants/herbs, tinctures(extracts), and ways to use plants and their benefits.



Mullein is one of the first plants I started researching and using as a tea. It is an amazing plant! It is a short-lived perennial. The first year it is a low growing rosette of fuzzy leaves. The second year it produces a flower stalk of 5-10 feet tall with yellow flowers. The leaves and flowers have been utilized for thousands of years in herbal traditions. Mullein leaves are an effective expectorant that helps alleviate cough, congestion, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory issues. Mullein works to soothe the lungs while reducing mucus and eliminating harsh, dry and/or deep coughs. The flowers are often used in an ear oil.





Wild Lettuce

Wild Lettuce




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